Journal articles

Thomas NM, Skervin T, Foster RJ, O’Brien TD, Carpenter MG, Maganaris N, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. (2020) Optimal lighting levels for stair safety: Influence of lightbulb type and brightness on confidence, dynamic balance and stepping characteristics. Experimental Gerontology. 132. DOI 10.1016/j.exger.2020.110839

Thomas NM, Donovan T, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM. (2018) Visually fixating or tracking another person decreases balance control in young and older females walking in a real-world scenario. Neuroscience Letters. 11.677. DOI 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.04.038

Thomas NM, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM, Donovan T, Macaluso, A, Vannozzi G. (2017) Smooth pursuits decrease balance control during locomotion in young and older healthy females. Experimental Brain Research. 235.9. DOI 10.1007/s00221-017-4996-2

Thomas NM, Bampouras TM, Donovan T, Dewhurst S. (2016) Eye movements affect postural control in young and older females. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 8.216. DOI 10.3389/fnagi.2016.00216

Thomas NM, (2016) Promoting and monitoring exercise among renal patients. Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning. 5.1

Thomas NM, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM. (2015) Homogeneity of fascicle architecture following repeated contractions in the human gastrocnemius medialis. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 25.6. DOI 10.1016/j.jelekin.2015.08.007


Thomas NM, Skervin T, Foster RJ, O’Brien TD, Carpenter MG, Maganaris N, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. (May 2020) Decorating stairs safely: Influence of step-surface visual properties on confidence, anxiety, dynamic stability, and gaze behaviour. Experimental Gerontology

In preparation

Thomas NM, Skervin T, Foster RJ, O’Brien TD, Carpenter MG, Maganaris N, Baltzopoulos V, Lees C, Hollands MA. (Expected submission September 2020) Does load carrying and visual occlusion make stair negotiation unsafe?

Bampouras T, Thomas NM. (Expected submission September 2020) Accuracy of a LIDAR based player tracking system in professional football.

Foster RJ, Thomas NM. (Expected submission September 2020) Markerless motion capture to evaluate joint angles during functional movements in healthy and clinical populations.

Conference Proceedings

Thomas NM, Lees C, Maganaris N, Foster RJ, O’Brien TD, Skervin T, Baltzopoulos V, Hollands MA. Lightbulb characteristics affect stepping biomechanics during stair descent in young and older adults. ISPGR world congress Edinburgh, UK, June 30 - July 4, 2019

Thomas NM, Lees C, Maganaris N, Foster RJ, O’Brien TD, Skervin T, Baltzopoulos V, Hollands MA. Low lighting drives more cautious stair descent in young adults. International Posture Symposium, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, September 9 - 12, 2018

Thomas NM, Donovan T, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM. Visually fixating or tracking another person decreases balance control in young and older females walking in a real-world scenario. International Posture Symposium, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, September 9 - 12, 2018

Thomas NM, Donovan T, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM. Eye movements affect postural control in young and older females. Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna, Austria, July 6 - 9, 2016

Thomas NM, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM. Promoting and monitoring exercise among renal patients. Lancashire Teaching Hospitals Research and Innovation Showcase, Preston, UK, November 2015

Thomas NM, Dewhurst S, Bampouras TM. Homogeneity of fascicle architecture following repeated contractions in the human gastrocnemius medialis. BASES Student Conference, Portsmouth, UK, April 8 - 9, 2014